A Cute love letter of a Son to her Mother ♥

Dear Mom,

It would be very hard for you to read, but believe me, it's more hard for me to write it. I love u so much and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But I couldn't help it. I have a very different feeling for you in my heart. You are very beautiful, attractive, and have always been caring to me. Perhaps, this is the reason why I love you so much. When you are around, I can't restrict me from watching your huge hand-ball like boobs. They are still more beautiful than a young 24 years old girl. I feel a strong desire to suck and pinch those nipples which points towards me, when you are standing beside me. When I was a baby I got to do this every day, but this time I want to do this with full maturity.

 Mom, you have given me birth. I have came out of your pussy. It's my birth place. But you never shown me your glory hole. I am always curious about it's appearance. Once at my birth time I had felt your pussy, smelt your pussy, it was the first ever thing I had smelt after coming to the real world. My body was rubbing from your tight pussy skin when I was coming out of it. But now, I don't even remember it's feeling.

 Mom, I want to feel that pussy once more. But this time I will not enter into it with my whole body, but only 10 inches of my flesh. And I will not create problems for you for 9 months like my childhood. This time I will take only one hour to stay into you. I hope you will understand my feelings. You are my mom, and you are the only person in this world who loves me the most; only you can help me out from this situation.
 With Love.

 Yours Son.
Incest Loverz


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